Survey Form

NHRA Service Evaluation

Please take a moment to complete the NHRA customer satisfaction survey.

In an effort to improve the services provided by NHRA, we would very much appreciate getting your feedback by completing this survey. The results of this survey will be taken into consideration to improve and enhance the services provided by NHRA.

Your Opinion Matters!
Date of Visit:
Is this your first visit to NHRA:

Please pick your answer

Which section at NHRA did you visit:

Please check at least one checkbox

Are you a:

Please pick your answer

What was the purpose of your visit:

Please pick your answer

Please rate the services provided to you:
NHRA Premises and its surroundings:
These questions are assessing the NHRA premises you visited:

1. Was it easy to find the NHRA building?

Please pick your answer

2. Did you find the building clean?

Please pick your answer

3. Was there adequet parking?

Please pick your answer

4. Are the Office hours to your convince?

Please pick your answer

5. Was there sufficient assistance from the security desk?

Please pick your answer

Department Satisfaction:
These questions are assessing the department you visited:

1. Was it easy to find the floor you needed?

Please pick your answer

2. Was the waiting room comfortable?

Please pick your answer

3. Did the services provided meet your expectations?

Please pick your answer

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
Employee Satisfaction:

These questions are assessing NHRA Staff in the areas of services they provided:

1. Were you satisfied with the staffs’ knowledge about policies and procedures of the services provided?

Please pick your answer

2. Were you satisfied with the staff members’ communication skills?

Please pick your answer

3. Were you satisfied with the amount of time it took to attend to your query?

Please pick your answer

4. Were you satisfied with the information provided by the NHRA employee?

Please pick your answer

5. Were you satisfied with the staff’s professional and courteous manner?

Please pick your answer

Communicating with NHRA:

These questions are assessing the communication between NHRA and its clients:

1. Were you satisfied with the response to your queries via email?

Please pick your answer

2. Was the time in which you received your response satisfactory?

Please pick your answer

3. Were you satisfied with any telephone communications with NHRA staff?

Please pick your answer

4. Were you satisfied with how your queries were resolved via the telephone?

Please pick your answer

5. Were you satisfied with the information conveyed to you by email or telephone?

Please pick your answer

NHRA Website:

These questions are assessing your experience with the NHRA website:

1. What was the main reason for visiting our website? To access:

Please check at least one checkbox

2. Were you satisfied with the ease of navigation on our NHRA website?

Please pick your answer

3. How easy was it to locate the information you needed?

Please pick your answer

4. Were you satisfied with the content information on the NHRA website?

Please pick your answer

5. Were you satisfied with the ease of the online licensing system?

Please pick your answer

6. What information, if any, did you have difficulty in finding on our website?

7. Did you use the online services?

Please pick your answer

8. What can we do to improve the NHRA web page?

We value your comments. Please tell us more about your visit.
What did we do well?
What can we improve?

This section is optional if you wish us to contact you please provide us with information below:

Thank you for your time and cooperation.